Doubling up today.. I spent some time at Adams Elementary School in Coon Rapids, MN for a story about the effects of No Child Left Behind. Their principal Jeremy Tammi was nice enough to guide me around the school while I got some photos of one of their Fourth Grade math classes. Story ran last Friday... so unless you can find a back issue you can read the story online HERE.
Woke up on farm time last Tuesday to make a two hour trek down to Carpenter, IA to spend the morning with Tim Johnson. Due to the draught in the south farmers in Iowa and Nebraska are buying up cattle from ranchers down in Texas and Oklahoma. You can read the story HERE or check out the gallery online HERE.
Been busy as hell lately, always a good thing. Had the opportunity to work for Getty Images for the first time last week when Mitt Romney made a campaign stop in Eagan, MN. For those who don't know Getty is a stock agency which provides images for Editorial and Commercial use, so the images end up all over the place. More stuff to come soon in the next couple days.